
Steam the ascent
Steam the ascent

steam the ascent

Allocate new skill points as you level-up and try various augmentations to take down your enemies in new creative ways. Customize your character with cyberware that suits your playstyle. Play the entire game alone or work together with up to three friends in local or online co-op. RPG ELEMENTSĬustomize your character with cyberware that suits your playstyle. The Ascent is a solo and co-op Action-shooter RPG, set on Veles, a packed cyberpunk world. EXPLOSIVE SHOOTERĪim low or high, switch weapons and equip lethal gadgets, take cover and use the destructible environments at your advantage and keep adjusting your tactic as you face new enemies. The Ascent has only been out for a week, and thousands of gamers are already joining the community every day.Despite a few annoying bugs, the game is a lot of fun to play.Over the last few days. Can you survive without it? SOLO OR CO-OP You must take up arms and embark on a new mission to find out what started it all. One day, you are suddenly caught in a vortex of catastrophic events: The Ascent Group shuts down for unknown reasons and the survival of your district is threatened.

steam the ascent

You play as a worker, enslaved by the company that owns you and everyone else in your district. Welcome to The Ascent Group arcology, a corporate-run metropolis stretching high into the sky and filled with creatures from all over the galaxy. The Ascent is a solo and co-op Action-shooter RPG, set on Veles, a packed cyberpunk world.

Steam the ascent